Thursday, November 28, 2019

Athens Georgia Music Scene

Athens Georgia Music Scene Free Online Research Papers When most people think of music coming from Athens, Georgia, they think of the B-52s and R.E.M. However, there is a new genre of music coming out of Athens called Athens Rock. Even though it is called a rock genre, it has a little bit of all the popular genres including country, hip-hop, blugrass, and rock. This genre has been newly created by these three particular artists that have not actually signed record labels yet, but are still very popular. These guys are Corey Smith, Brantley Gilbert, and Colt Ford. As Colt Ford would say, â€Å"These are just three country boys from Georgia trying to sing a little bit.† Corey Smith is the artist that puts the country flavor into Athens rock. This guy started out going to UGA to become a school teacher, and he took a job at a high school in Gwinett County. Then in 2004, he found his calling for music, and, like any other artist, started playing in the little bars of Athens. He quickly picked up some major popularity. According to, he is the most popular unsigned artist on their website. â€Å"If I Could Do It Again,† is a song he wrote about pretty much every high school senior’s Spring Break. Also, â€Å"Twenty-One† was a song he sang about being a 17-year old hanging out with all of these college kids who are all older than him. â€Å"I’m Not Gonna Cry† is another song he wrote about high school graduation, which became the new graduation anthem for many high school graduations across Georgia and the United States. The main reason I really like Corey Smith is because he writes songs that relate to you nger people’s lives. The next artist that contributes to Athens rock is Brantley Gilbert. He adds the rock and bluegrass flavors to the Athens rock genre. Unlike Corey, Brantley Gilbert has been playing and writing music his whole entire life. He is very popular around the Southeast, but is also unsigned. One of his songs that I really like is GRITS, which talks about his friend coming down from the North and being surprised about how good looking the girls raised in the south are. The song â€Å"Live It Up† is another good song saying if something is wrong don’t give up on yourself just keep on going and live it up. Another song that is one of my favorites is â€Å"My Kinda Party,† which is where he is talking about picking this girl up and they both go out to this country party with a couple of kegs, and that is what he thinks of a party. I like Brantley Gilbert because he can really take rock and country and mix them together. The final contributor to Athens rock is Colt Ford. He brings the hip-hop flavor to Athens rock. Even though his country and hip-hop music are very popular, he still considers himself as a common man. Because of his talents in both country and hip-hop, Colt has done much collaboration with many artists from both genres. Some of these include John Michael Montgomery, Jamey Johnson, Bone Crusher, and Adrian Young from No Doubt. The best thing about Colt Ford’s music is that most of his songs really have no explanation. They are all just about having fun. One of his most famous songs is â€Å"Dirt Road Anthem† with Brantley Gilbert. Another song is â€Å"Ride through the Country† with John Michael Montgomery. He also did a song with Jamey Johnson called â€Å"Cold Beer.† However, his most famous work was when he did the anthem for the Professional Bull Riders Championship. This song was called â€Å"Buck ‘Em.† As it is seen, Athens rock has many different types of genres within its own genre. Also, there are many emotions in these songs. Some of them happy and some sad, but the best songs these artists produce are the ones about just having fun. These genres within Athens rock are provided by three main artists. Corey Smith provides the country flavor. Brantley Gilbert does the rock and bluegrass flavor. Finally, Colt Ford has the hip-hop flavor. I have one last thought. These men are all unsigned so when they play they are doing it for the music and not the money. Research Papers on Athens Georgia Music SceneHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Spring and AutumnCapital PunishmentAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceQuebec and Canada19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cautionary Tales Told by Fitzgerald and Frost Professor Ramos Blog

Cautionary Tales Told by Fitzgerald and Frost America can be considered the most romanticized country in the world. Even to this day, people from other countries, especially those that are disadvantaged by poverty or war, dream of coming to America to achieve so called â€Å"greatness.† In the â€Å"roaring twenties† we saw the lavish lifestyles that could be gained by being a citizen of this great country. As depicted in many novels and movies, the nineteen-twenties were the epitome of an impulse society of instant gratification. The bustling economy allowed for a life of excess but as we learned from history this type of a lifestyle comes with a price and both F. Scott Fitzgerald and Robert Frost warn us of it’s dangers. Babylon Revisited written by F. Scott Fitzgerald shows it’s readers exactly how one’s life can be destroyed by living lavishly. Fitzgeralds young and attractive main character, Charlie Wales, life was turned upside down due to a lifestyle of formerly unrecognized alcoholism which single handedly led to his wife’s death and the loss of guardianship of his daughter. Charlie said himself, â€Å"I spoiled this city for myself. I didn’t realize it, but the days came along one after another, and then two years were gone, and everything was gone, and I was gone.†(Fitzgerald, pg. 992) Charlie takes ownership over the fact that his life of excessive nightly partying and promiscuity made it feel as though those two years disappeared from his life. This is a direct result of his instantaneous lifestyle. Although it is hard to say if Charles is to blame for his former alcoholism and unfortunate ways as he only seemed to be a product of his society and culture a t the time. Unfortunately due to his old ways Charlie must earn back respect from his dead wife’s sister, Marion, who gained guardianship of his daughter Honoria. In fact, Charles had to choose his words very carefully around Marion as she was very sensitive to his alcoholism and former lifestyle. This upset Charles because he just wanted â€Å" to jump back a whole generation and trust in character again.† It is evident that Charles only felt this way because it was his character in question. It is here the audience can see that Fitzgerald poses the age old question of whether people are truly capable of change. During the Great Depression almost everyone one was required to change in some shape or form because their resources and wealth were depleted tremendously. Charles remorse gives Fitzgerald’s readers hope that he is actually capable abandoning his old ways. When Charlie is not with his family and working to regain guardianship of his daughter he goes out on the town where he is constantly being tempted by his past’s mistakes. This causes the reader to question why the main character is constantly putting himself in this situation. Charles says himself that going to bars and eating fancy dinners is the only way he knows how to pass time and he would pay â€Å"for the privilege of slower and slower motion.† He reminisces on a time where he was incredibly frivolous with money and explained how he would hand over large tips to almost every worker he encountered. It is clear that Charlie did not know what he had until he lossed it all because it was not till then â€Å"he suddenly realized the meaning of the word ‘dissipate’.† Many people during this time did not see the loss and destruction that was to come in their lives but if they did, perhaps, they would have been more prepared. Despite at one time losing everything, Charlie is far better off than most; however, it is clear that Charlie has not learned from his former financial decisions in the past. Although he is no longer rich Charlie still wants to spoil his daughter with toys and entertainment. Honoria is aware that this is strange and responds by declining his lavish gifts and saying â€Å"we’re not rich anymore, are we?† Charles lifestyle was so over the top it was apparent to his young daughter that they were well off. Being robbed of her family’s fanciful ways and left with her aunt after the death of her mother must have left a psychological toll on Honoria. Charles lifestyle had bigger consequences that he was not able to see at the time and the well being of his daughter was the biggest one of all. Based on reading Robert Frost’s poem Directive one can surmise that the speaker of the poem knows what it is like to have everything but lose it all. The opening line states, â€Å"back out of all this now too much for us,† which can be used as a comparison of Charlie Wales the tole Great Depression took on his life. After the stock market crash Charles could only dream and reminisce on his old days of frivolity. That world is now distant and far away for Charlie. Due to his downfall, being a father figure and maintaining a healthy family was â€Å"too much† for Charlie. He was forced to â€Å"back out† of it and live a much simpler life reflecting on his past wrongdoings. The speaker in Directive also reminisces on â€Å"a house that is more a house/ upon a farm that is no more a farm/ and in a town that is no more a town,† this is representative of all the destruction that took place in Charlie’s life and much like the lives of others during the Great Depression. Charlie had all that one could dream of having in life. He had wealth, a beautiful wife and daughter, and a nice home to live in. All of that was gone in an instant after the death of his wife and the fall of the market. In much of the short story he cannot help but remember how good those days used to be. It is clear that Fitzgerald and Frost are using their works as cautionary tales to tell its readers that sometimes having it all is actually having nothing at all. Much like the roaring twenties, people today still live in a very instant access type of world. This is even more prevalent living in this age of technology. Everything Americans have today is at the touch of their fingertips and at their quickest convenience. This also allows individuals to have easier access to their vices leading to drug habits, debt, and the destruction of families. If society does not take a moment to reflect they can end up down the same path as Charlie and be forced to reminisce on what they once had much like the speaker of Directive. Unfortunately the phrase, â€Å"history repeats itself,† is truer than to be expected. Fitzgerald and Frost seemed to know this to be the case. It is clear that they wrote these pieces as a way to warn its readers of the paths that can unfold by living too car elessly.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

EC201 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EC201 - Essay Example For the top 1% income has soared by 200%, but for the average people income has only risen by 30%. A way to reduce battle against the income disparities in the population is by increasing the level of education attainment. The income gap that exists between a person that has a high school degree and a college graduate with a bachelors degree is approximately $23,000 a year. Over a lifetime a person with a college degree will earn 75% more than a higher graduate while a person with a graduate degree with earn four times more. Income data can be presented graphically using a Lorenz curve. A Lorenz curve is a curve that shows cumulative shares of income received by individuals or groups. It was developed in 1905 by Marx Lorenz. The distribution of US income shows that the Lorenz became more bowed out between 1968 and 2006. The Gini coefficient measures the ratio between the Lorenz curve and the 45 degree line and the total area under the 45 degree line. The Gini coefficient in the United States in 2006 was 0.46. A form of inequality that has risen since the 1960’s is an increase in the number of families headed by women. Technological changes have influenced the demand for labor. The demand for skilled labor has risen while the demand for unskilled labor has declined. The result has been an increased in the income gap between skilled and unskilled workers. Along with new technologies firms are adopting new management styles that required stronger communication skills. The intellectual gap will continue to widen as we move further into the 21st century. Future generations are going to become more educated than ours in order to survive. In our current workforce some of the changes in include the use of production teams and small assembly line work units. Due to the fact the people are being force to work together interpersonal and communication skills have become critical skills employees have to master. College graduates entering the workforce

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Find contemporary problem about ( Personality, Lifestyles and Self ) Literature review

Find contemporary problem about ( Personality, Lifestyles and Self ) - Literature review Example This implies that a consumers self concept is critical in developing a brand’s personality, where the brand personality is matched to the self. Research in consumer behaviour have shown that brand personality is a key tool in consumer expression and instrumental in enabling consumers express their ideal or actual self, or in expressing certain specific aspects of the self (Swaminathan, Stilley, & Ahluwalia, 2009:2). One of the key notable problems in marketing is whether the brand personality should be matched to the self that consumers aspire to be (ideal self) or to the self that they are (actual self) (Malà ¤r, Krohmer, Hoyer, & Nyffenegger, 2011:35). This paper evaluates this issue to understand which of the self aligns well with brand personality and what this implies to marketers. Brand personality is defined as â€Å"a set of human characteristics associated with a brand† (Mahle & Supphellen, 2011:96). It is a critical emotional part of a brand image and therefore is highly involving in determining how attached consumer’s become to such brands. (Sung and Kim, 2010:645). It also often appeals to consumers who wish to enhance, affirm or express their sense of self or their personalities using the brand personality of the products they use (Park & Roedder, 2010). On the other hand, self concept is defined as a â€Å"multidimensional construct† in how individuals view themselves (Swaminathan, Stilley, & Ahluwalia, 2009; Khare & Handa, 2009: 64). Self concept is based on both group identity where people purchase certain goods in order to identify with a given group and a unique individual level self identity and expression based on individual autonomy. However in independent individualistic cultures such as western cultures, self concept is mainly associated with personal identity strongly then with group identity (Swaminathan, Page and Gurhan-Canli, 2007:249). Indeed, Fuornier

Monday, November 18, 2019

Benefits of TV media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benefits of TV media - Essay Example Learning about different cultures is very important in the present age because today we live in a multicultural society. We have to frequently interact with people from different parts of the world both in the workplace and otherwise. TV helps a lot in promoting our relations with people from other cultures by making us aware of their norms, values and traditions. In the present age, when all of us are extremely busy and do not often get much time to spend with our family members, shared viewing of TV programs provides us with one big opportunity to be together. This strengthens the bond between family members and inculcates a sense of unity in the family members. TV programs promote learning by enabling children to see what they read about in their books. Without a visual image of the subject in mind, children are not able to develop the concepts as objectively as they do when they know what the subjects of discussion in the book look like. For example, Harry Potter series has been included in the English literature curriculum in a lot of elementary schools worldwide. Children are better able to learn the story when they can relate the incidents to individual characters they see in the Harry Potter movies. What authors take pages to explain is conveyed to the audience in one image. There is a lot of difference between imagining what quidditch looks like and actually view it being played in the movie. A vast majority of TV shows and dramas revolve around a central message that is of huge moral significance. Many people do not follow the advice of their elders because they do not realize how important it is, but when they see how their actions and words can impact others’ as well as their own lives, they tend to learn the lesson for good. TV shows and dramas not only create awareness, but also provide people with useful advice that benefits them in practical life when they act upon it. There has recently been a lot of debate about whether or not to offer sex education in public schools. This and several other topics like sex education are very controversial and are often not discussed with children. The resulting lack of awareness has its own consequences. TV programs are playing a fundamental role in doing their bit to make people aware of the sensitivity of these issues. Many people would not have been of the view to have their children provided with sex education in school had they not seen TV programs to convince them for the same. In addition to this, TV programs themselves are a very strong means of education for people regarding all sorts of controversial topics. In the contemporary age, people have a greater understanding of local and international political issues. The fundamental reason behind this is the TV news and talk shows. These days, one can see talk shows on a daily basis on the TV. Everyday, these talk shows are prepared for totally new and innovative topics. Most of the times, they discuss most recent issues of n ational or international political significance. Thus, people are able to not only know what is happening in their country and across the globe, but also they can critically analyze these events and happenings by listening to the commentary and criticism of the anchors and experts. Concluding, TV is an extremely important source of education, entertainment and rapport building in the present age. Modern age is characterized by increased awareness and TV happens to be the fundamental promoter of the same. Parents can draw optimum

Friday, November 15, 2019

Bruce Springsteens Born In The Usa Music Essay

Bruce Springsteens Born In The Usa Music Essay My pod cast is about Bruce Springsteens song Born in the U.S.A. written and performed by himself in 1984. Taken from the album of the same name, it is one of his best-known singles.Magazine Rolling Stone'(ikona) ranked the song 275th on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time in 2001. It is a verse-chorus song played in 120 bpm for 112 bars in 4/4. Without any modulations the key signature is 5 sharps so we are in B major scale. There are some changes in the form as we going in the middle part of the song, the third chorus is instrumental, verse number 4 has three lines of lyrics and verse number 5 has only 2 lines instead of 4. Harmony rhythm performance According to Springsteen (Ikona), Born In The USA was one of those songs that came out of nowhere and took very little time to record. It was a bit ironic, then, that his biggest hit ever, was one of the most musically simplistic tunes the band ever produced. Born in the USA is revealed with its very first notes, which unveil the two key elements that will drive the entire song: a synthesizer previews the vocal melody of the iconic chorus, while Max Weinbergs (ikona tou) drums lay down a hard-driving, straight-ahead beat. Weinberg said that The percussion work at the outset of the song, might almost be called caveman drumming. A thunder crack snare drum underscores one of the most catchy intros ever with Weinberg simply taking a ferocious whack at the snare drum on beats 2 and 4. About a minute into the track, Weinberg finally kicks in, adding chaotic fills as the song developsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Whatever he does he never stops crashing snare hits on 2 and 4 remain the songs steady rhythmic essence right through to the end. The drum solo towards the end of the song was completely improvised. Drummer Max Weinberg said that the band was recording in an oval-shaped studio, with the musicians separated into different parts. Springsteen at the front, suddenly turned towards to him after singing and waved his hands in the air frantically, to signal drumming. Roy Bittans (ikona) synthesizers arent much more subtle than Weinbergs excellent work on the drums. I said, Roy, get this riff!. He just pulled out that sound on the synthesizer . We played it two times and our second take is the record. Springsteen. No matter what else is going on in the song- whether Weinberg is banging away only on the backbeat or filling in the beat, whether the bass and guitars are wailing away or holding quiet, whether Springsteen is singing verses or chorus or nothing at all, Bittans synthesizers are repeating the same five notes, over and over again, Echoing almost exactly the vocal melody of the chorus(ikona 1,2), humming the iconic tune from the songs very first note. (ikona)The combination of Weinbergs drumming and Bittans mesmerizing synth line , made this song so powerful and unforgettable and that is my last point, Born in the USA may be one of the least interesting, or at least, one of the least complex, musical compositions E Street Band ever wrote, but the simple, hard-charging instrumentation provided by Springsteen perfectly matches with his almost screaming vocals with the great meaning of his misunderstood lyrics. . (ikona me to refren) Part 1 kai dio Melody(ikones) Continuing with the melody we can see that it is stable all the time as the vocal line starts and ends every time in the 3rd or the 5th interval of the key both for verses and choruses.(ikones) Second part On the other hand it is noteworthy to have a look in the background and the affects of this song to the listeners. Born In The USA, the title track of Springsteens mega-selling album(ikona), was much misunderstood. Accused at the same time of being repulsively nationalistic, and viciously Anti-American, the track was endorsed by many conservative politicians of the united states and the prime minister, Ronald Reagan(ikona tou), as an exemplar of classic American values whilst the bitter lyrics actually cast a shameful eye on how America treated its Vietnam veterans. Bruce Springsteen received a Kennedy Center Honor on the 7th of December 2009 by the president of the US Barrack Obama who stated: , Im the president, but hes The Boss.(kona) According to Springsteen a lot of people, think at the beginning, that its a rallying call for the flag and the nation and patriotism, and when you start to listen to the message in the song you realize theres another meaning going on in there. (IKONA TOU) Heres a small part of Glen Becks radio network on March 11, 2010, talking about Born in the usa (ixos ikona) Who could imagine that Springsteens trademark song has also been his most misunderstood Springsteen also explained the origin of the title, In 1981 director Paul Schrader (ikona tou) sent me a script called Born in the U.S.AHe wanted me to come up with some music for the film. But the script sat on my writing table until one day I was singing a new song I was writing called Vietnam. I looked over and sang off the top of Pauls cover page, I was born in the U.S.A. Lyrics Ok. Now Lets have a quick thought about the meaning of some lyrics. Born down in a dead mans town The first line of the song is about Bruce springsteens town Long Branch in New Jersey which by the 80s Was one of the dead mans towns, because of the collapse of the industrial economy And the economical depress they were suffering So they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land To go and kill the yellow man Those lines referred to those soldiers who were forced to go to Vietnam and fight for their country without being proud for it. Come back home to the refinery Hiring man says Son if it was up to me Returning to America, the soldiers were spat upon and hated for doing what they were forced to do. Vietnam Veterans Committee in US declares that, Today, one-third of the homeless are Vietnam vets Went down to see my V.A. man He said Son, dont you understand I had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet Cong Theyre still there, hes all gone He had a woman he loved in Saigon I got a picture of him in her arms now In those lines we can find the reason why springsteen wrote a song about the Vietnam. Too many people lost their lives, too many people injured for no reason .Khe Sahn was a small village and the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. VA are the initials for Veterans administration which was the responsible agency for providing healthcare and benefits to ex-soldiers. Down in the shadow of the penitentiary Out by the gas fires of the refinery Im ten years burning down the road Nowhere to run aint got nowhere to go From these lines bruce springsteen wants to pass the message that nobody who has survived the Vietnam war manage to build his live again. Last line sets up a contrast with one of his earlier hits, Born to Run. The album was recorded on analog master tapes, and initially issued on both LP and cassette. The first version of that song was solo acoustic guitar demo at Springsteens home on 3rd of January, 1982 as part of the Nebraska album released later that year. However Springsteens manager and producer Jon Landau couldnt match the lyrics to the music with the rest of Nebraskas material so they decided for a revival of the song in 1982 with the E street band with completely different melody line and musical structure. Despite the fact that Discs previously had been imported from Japan, Born in the U.S.A. became the first compact disc manufactured in the United States by CBS Records in Indiana in September 1984. The album gained additional support from the fact of Springsteen having several singles on the charts at the time. The album spent 84 weeks on the Top 10.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther K

"...A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas JeffersonThoreau, a transcendentalist from the mid 19th century and Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights movement leader of a century later both believed the necessity of medicine for government. Although they showed disagreement of opinion on issues regarding voting, both writers agreed on the necessity to reform the government and the means of accomplishing it. In King's Letter from Birmingham Jail and Thoreau's Civil Disobedience, both agreed on injustice of majority to rule over minority, both resisted the government passively, and both wanted a better government immediately.The majority is not necessarily right, but they have always been the ones in power because they are the strongest and the most influential. Therefore, all the laws are written by the majority, almost all are in favor of the majority, and all are enforced by the majority. According to King, a law drafted by the majority is only just when the minority are willing to follow it. He wrote "An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself" (2:475). In other words, if a law denies the right of the minority or is inflicted upon the minority by force, then it is not a just law. Similar opinions are shared by Thoreau, when he writes "But a government in which the majority r...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Transport Across The Fermentation Tank Engineering Essay

Agitators in fermenter play a major function in blending the medium. Agitation in fermenters improves heat and mass conveyance across the agitation armored combat vehicle. Mechanically moved fermenters are well-suited for usage with shear-sensitive agitations that require good O transportation and majority commixture than the conventional air lift fermenters. Fermenter, in biotechnology is usually explained as a container where the host cells incorporating the recombinant Deoxyribonucleic acid are grown. In simple footings fermenter is an setup which maintains optimum conditions for the growing of micro-organisms which are used in big scale agitation in the production of enzymes and other chemicals. Basically the fermenter consists of a fomenter either bottom driven or top driven. The most normally used is the fermenter with a top-drive assembly because of its easiness of operation, orderly design, dependability, and hardiness. Agitators in fermenter play a major function in blending the medium which is invariably aerated which means supplying efficient mass exchange in footings of gas stage and liquid stage ( blending ) by providing nutrition and taking away the metabolites. Mass transportation is enhanced by agitation from the headspace to the majority of the liquid ; it creates less anaerobiotic environment ( microaerophilic ) for agitation, farther decelerating down the agitation clip and upseting the ecological equilibrium. The chief intent of agitation usually are intermixing of two mixable liquids, fade outing solids in liquids, scattering a gas in a liquid as all right bubbles, suspending of all right solid atoms in a liquid and to increase heat transportation between the fluid and a spiral or jacket in the vas wall. Agitators must able to make self-cleaning and must forestall monolithic subsiding. Agitation provides practical benefits peculiarly in agitation vass with hapless heat-transfer characteristics. It improves heat and mass conveyance across the agitation armored combat vehicle. By bettering those agitation can cut down temperature heterogeneousness and destroy concentration gradients during agitation, supplying a more unvarying microenvironment for microbic growing. This has positive economic and merchandise quality-related benefits like cut downing the agitation clip, and better standardising process public presentation and merchandise properties. Most of the chemical and processing industries depend on effectual agitation and commixture of fluids for most operations. Generally agitation refers to coercing fluid by mechanical agencies to flux in a peculiar form like circulatory or other pattern inside a vas. Blending normally involves scattering two or more separate stages such as a fluid and a solid or two fluids with one another. Agitation besides has disadvantages peculiarly in industrial agitation procedures. Agitation may interfere with the gel-formation procedure, a cardinal quality property in house yoghurt ( Kristo et al. , 2003 ; Lee and Lucey, 2004 ) and agitation during agitation would suppress the lactic acid formation involved in the procedure ( Driessen, 1998 ; Early, 2000 ) , accordingly widening the agitation clip and perchance changing the quality, there is a possibility of it favoring the incorporation of air into the system, interfering with the agitation kineticss, an anaerobiotic event. Agitators have different parts and all the traveling parts can be made unapproachable by enveloping underneath the vas, therefore doing it a safer piece of setup. There are different sorts of fomenters with or without motor driven. With the motor belt goaded fomenter any spillage can be avoided by straight falling onto the motor since it is non sited straight below the fomenter shaft. Double mechanical seal in the fomenter is necessary to guarantee that the medium does non leak out at the shaft lodging. Depending upon blending demands the agitation shaft will be provided with two or three impellers, each with four or six blades. It is of import that the exterior coating of the fomenter should fit that specified for the vas. Bigger impeller diameters result in shorter blend clip and lower extremum shear. Though it has benefits it is besides necessary to see the higher cost, increased quiver and larger run-out and more robust design demands associated with larger diameter impellers and greater fluid forces. Orientation and size of fomenters varies with fermenters. Scale-Up: In production conditions, either the fomenter revolutions per minute is varied or the impeller is changed to obtain similar blending clip. These impellers can run at much higher tip velocities since they convert a bigger fraction of their power input into unstable pumping instead than shear. There are two chief occupations of fomenters in a cell civilization. First is to obtain the coveted O and C dioxide mass transportation by bring forthing adequate shears which can be characterized by gas mass transportation effectivity and the 2nd is to maintain the vessel well-blended to minimise fluctuations in temperature, pH and linear concentration. The cells inside should be exposed to higher mechanical force or thermic force and or emphasis. The peak shear rate must be kept low plenty to avoid cell harm or emphasis. Bigger the mass transportations is better, because cut downing the fraction of O in the sprinkle gas or flow of sprinkle gas lowers the operating cost and reduces cell harm in certain cell lines. Deluging occurs if the fomenter turns excessively easy for the gas rate and if the gas burden exceeds the implosion therapy point consequences in lower mass transportation. Doppler velocimetry is used to mensurate the shear produced by an fomenter utilizing a optical maser beam to scan the instantaneous speed at points throughout the vas. The fomenter is preferred to be top mounted which makes it easy to take it during go oning operation and to avoid voidance of fermenter during care work on the fomenter. Airlift type and automatically stirred/ agitated fermenters are widely used in bioprocessing. Airlift fermenters are utile where there is necessity of soft agitation and low cost O transportation and in comparatively less syrupy fluids while the mechanical fomenter is works more expeditiously for higher-viscosity fluids. Normally used fermenter which utilizes mechanical agitation rules chiefly uses radial flow impellers during the agitation procedure. Top-mounted fomenters are common in smaller vass where they are easier to seal, but do require longer shafts and larger diameter to command run-out and quiver while in big scale production underside mounted fomenters are by and large used where they need shorter shafts of 3m or less. The latter type is easy to manage since the shaft are of smaller diameter and they are cost effectual. It is easy to take the mechanical seal. Agitator must be mounted either on an angle or offset from the vas Centre line when the vas does non hold baffles. Baffled vass with centre top-mounted fomenters are more common. General chromium steel steel fomenter with high opposition to corrosion A mechanical fomenter is driven by an explosion-proof motor ( electric motor ) , it has a shaft and cogwheel coupled to a cogwheel box that drives the impeller shaft and may even hold immersed bearings if the shaft is really long. The impellers ( turbines ) transform mechanical power into unstable circulation or agitation. The aim of the properly designed mechanical agitation system are unvarying suspension of solids, appropriate application of shear, homogeneous fluid belongingss throughout the system and economical application of applied power. The rotating parts in a mechanical fomenter are capable to change by reversaling emphasiss that may ensue in metal weariness, failure of shafts, seals and fomenter blades particularly when the environment is temperature specific. Experimental setup that consists of jacketed 50 milliliter reactor ( Parr, theoretical account 4843 ) with mechanical agitation. Fermenter with Mechanical Agitation ( script=sci_arttext ) During the commixture procedure, the mechanical fomenter plants by turning the mechanical power into thermic energy where the energy ( temperature ) is introduced non-uniformly into the volume. This produces harmful effects to the life beings and agitations in the procedures, which exist merely in limited temperature scope. The commixture can be improved by increasing rates of aeration and mechanical agitation. However, the influence of aeration rate on blending clip was most outstanding merely under conditions of small or no mechanical agitation. The independent agitation reduces the demand for long flow channels besides maintains efficient blending irrespective of merchandise throughput or viscousness. The fermenter design becomes more complex when mechanical agitation is applied for blending nevertheless it offers considerable advantages in footings of versatility and public presentation. Strong axial commixture is one of the less desirable characteristics of mechanical fomenter. There are some major disadvantages in utilizing mechanical fomenters such as unsystematic commixture, where it shear fluid and impel it around the commixture vas. High-turbulent and dead zones are formed during blending which consequence in un-uniform nutrition supply to cells, due to mechanical force produced by sociable ‘s beater the microbic cells may decease. Overheating is formed on the terminals of sociable ‘s beater countries ( micro zones ) which are besides destructive for cells. Mechanical fomenter has merely a motor ; it may hold a provender pump, nevertheless. Mechanical fomenters can non be made on plastic if necessary. Top-entering mechanical fomenters typically require a befuddled armored combat vehicle and it can non blend the armored combat vehicle when it ‘s less full. More dead musca volitanss are formed whilst utilizing a mechanical fomenter. Mechanical fomenter typically needs one impeller diameter of clearance near the armored combat vehicle to supply energy during solid suspension. A mechanical fomenter by and large uses less energy for liquid blending in armored combat vehicles smaller than 3 thousand Defense Intelligence Agency, but during solids suspension, liquid blending and gas/liquid contacting in large-volume ( over 1,000 gal ) fermenters with mechanical agitation costs higher. The additive liquid speed in the downcomer increased with the increasing velocity of the fomenter but was non sensitive to the aeration rate, except in the airlift manner of operation ( N=0 revolutions per minute ) . The fact that the liquid speed varied small with aeration rate in automatically agitated operation whereas at a changeless agitation speed the commixture clip declined with increasing rate of aeration suggests that under given conditions of mechanical commixture, the gas bubbles lifting through the fluid were an of import cause of blending. Bubbling frequence additions with increasing aeration rate and the bubbles lifting relation to the liquid carry in their aftermaths a certain sum of fluid. As celebrated earlier, the consequence of mechanical agitation on blending clip was pronounced merely at comparatively low aeration rates. At higher aeration speeds ( UGr?0.04 ms?1 ) , lifting bubbles seemed to the dominant cause of the commixture Depending on the strength of the mechanical agitation, air sparging of the riser zone may or may non better the commixture public presentation. At sufficiently high aeration rates ( UGr?0.04 ms?1 ) , the usage of mechanical agitation during commixture has lesser importance. Air lift agitation utilizes compressed air to continuously recycle slurry. Consisting of simple piping, air lift agitation requires no traveling parts and negligible care. The consequence is homogenous slurry. Mechanical impeller will shear certain cells that are less delicate. For the ground the mechanical fomenter, which causes unwanted emphasis and perturbation is removed from the medium. About 70 % of consumed power is used for get the better ofing the defying force ( in a medium ) with mechanical fomenters. In this connexion mechanical power is automatically turned into thermic energy and therefore consequences in excess harmful warming of the civilization. Therefore this excess warming must be removed from the fermenters. In Airlift Fermenters the civilizations are both aerated and agitated by air bubbles introduced at the underside of vass. The vas has an inner bill of exchange tubing through which the air bubbles and the aerated medium rise since aerated medium is lighter than not aerated one which consequences in commixture of the civilization every bit good as aeration. The air bubbles lift to the top of the medium and the air passes out through an mercantile establishment. The cells and the medium that lift out of the bill of exchange tubing move down outside the tubing and are recirculated. O2 supply is rather efficient but scaling up nowadayss certain jobs. These sorts of fermenters are now used for production of monoclonal antibodies. The contents are pneumatically agitated by a watercourse of air and or sometimes by gas. In add-on to agitation, this watercourse besides has the of import map of interceding exchange between the gas stage and the medium ; O is normally transferred to the liquid, and in some instances metabolic merchandises are removed through exchange with the gas stage. Air lift fermenters eliminate the possible grinding jobs encountered in agitated fermenters. Due to take down shear force the extents of cell desorption from atom surfaces would be less as compared to agitated systems while utilizing solid substrates. Air lift fermenters are energy efficient and easy to run, and require merely tight air for aeration and agitation and extinguish the demand of mechanical agitation. Oxygen transportation efficiency is higher than mechanical agitated fermenter. Lab or pilot workss can non easy air trial because it requires long bubble opposition clip with minimal wall retarding force. The short vass where mechanical agitation is required for good agitation public presentation compared to air agitated fermenters. If the vas has chilling spirals the commixture is good from top to bottom. Air agitated fermenters exist in industry today for a broad scope of merchandises. Air-lift stirred without mechanical seal The chief advantages in utilizing air lift fermenters are improved asepsis because of no top or bottom come ining agitation shaft, building of really big fermenter is possible because the design is non limited by motor size, shaft length and its weight, infrigidation demands are reduced 20 to 35 % because of no mechanical agitation, cheaper fermenter design. No care of motors, gear boxes, bearings or seals. The air agitated fermenter is a feasible blending power unit like a variable velocity thrust with no motor and drive noise. Air compressors can be steam driven to cut down power cost and go on to run during power outages in big workss with minimum power coevals for controls. Air-lift fermenter exhibit lower rates of O mass transportation and commixture compared to agitated bioreactors and therefore their usage for industrial production of enzymes could ensue in O lack of the agitation broth and unequal majority commixture. On the other manus, compared to other fermenters, air-lift fermenters have a simpler design, have a lower capital and operating costs and exhibit a lower shear environment. For the latter ground, air-lift fermenters have been used successfully in agitation of shear sensitive micro-organism in high viscousness. The chief disadvantages are because of weak blending they do non ever suit for civilizations with active critical maps. They do n't hold intensive nutrition supply and do n't take away the metabolites intensively. Sudden alteration of force per unit area will do the air bubbles drifting to the surface and in bend devastate sensitive cells. It besides produces abundant foaming. The application of chemical froth ledgeman makes quality of concluding merchandise worse and the procedure more expensive. These disadvantages are connected with hurt of cells and micro-organisms during the procedure of the medium commixture, deficient strength of mass exchange, formation of high-turbulent and dead zones, high power ingestion, low features when they works with syrupy fluids. This is a table demoing the chief advantages and disadvantages of air lift and mechanical fomenters in fermenters: Mechanical Air lift

Friday, November 8, 2019

Radical leadership

Radical leadership For any company to be successful in business, its leaders are obliged to offer a good motivating environment for its workers. This is because motivated employees are more productive, jovial, and are not likely to quit the company soon. One of the essential duties that leaders of companies undertake is having their employees motivated all the time. As much as the amount of profit that a company makes is vital for its success, however, it is not the most vital.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Radical leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the changing market has developed the attitude that a company staff is the stanchion that decides its future life. Motivation has become an essential aspect of an organization operation management since it increases the efficiency of the employees and makes the company to be attractive to other experienced workers. This paper discusses the ways and the importance of having a motivated workforce. In any organization, motivation is an essential ingredient for advancement of performance. At the Semco Group of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the company rests on a potential problem if it still uses the traditional ways of motivating its 3000 employees. As much as the company’s CEO, Ricardo Semler, embraces participative management approach in leadership, the employees of the company are likely not to be motivated in the long run. The employees at the company know its objectives and they decide for themselves on the ways of accomplishing these objectives. However, this strategy is less likely to motivate the employees. It is always said that you can take a cow to the river to drink, but it is impossible to compel it to drink; it will drink the water only when it is feeling thirsty. The same thing can be applied to people. Research has indicated that most people will not effectively accomplish a task unless they are driven to do it, either by themselves or through some external stimulus (Kleinbeck Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1990, p.3). The concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation methods have been suggested as some of the ways of fostering a motivated work environment within a company. The difference between the two motivation concepts is derived from the source of the motivation. Some researchers have argued that intrinsic rewards are able to keep the employees motivated in the place of work (Bonduras, 1977). Intrinsic motivation implies that workers are encouraged to accomplish a certain duty when they are driven from within. The workers accomplish the duties due to the pleasure or the contentment they derive from completing the duty itself. This is to say that intrinsic motivation does not rely on extrinsic rewards, for example, money and increase in benefits, but relies on internal factors, for example, recognition, responsibility, growth and advancement.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Le t's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A company staff that tends to be intrinsically motivated implies that they need a work environment that really interests them, a challenging career, and the responsibility to accomplish the duty with the purpose of motivating them. For instance, a staff that is motivated by intrinsic rewards will accomplish a task enthusiastically. This is because the staff might find the task to be challenging, interesting, or fulfilling to accomplish. An intrinsically motivated individual usually do not intend to get other associated rewards after completing the duty since external rewards rarely motivate him or her. Therefore, intrinsic motivation can be seen as a very efficient method of having a motivated workforce in the long run (Staw, 1976). This is because the workers strive to accomplish the duties enthusiastically due to the satisfaction they get, instead of trying to evade from them once the work is accomplished. On the other hand, some researchers have argued that extrinsic motivation is the only way of having a motivated workforce (Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett, 1973). Extrinsic motivation takes place when the workers are motivated through giving them external rewards, which can comprise of monetary incentives, promotions, and other enticing things. This concept claims that a company staff accomplishes duties due to the external benefits they get. These external benefits are what give an employee the satisfaction and the pleasure of accomplishing a duty, rather than the interest that he or she has on the job. In other words, an extrinsically motivated employee accomplishes a task because of the tangible rewards or pleasure that he or she derives from the job. It is important to note that extrinsic rewards can be either positive or negative; therefore, it is possible to employ positive motivators like the ones mentioned above or negative motivators such as threats or corruption. Extrinsic motivators generally center on the rewards that workers get instead of the actions, for example, workers can decide to accomplish a task because of the rewards associated with it, instead of focusing on the satisfaction of accomplishing the task. Conversely, in actual fact, extrinsic motivators only encourage a company’s staff for a short time. The reason behind this is that the extrinsic motivators only function to enable the staff accomplish the duty and if they are absent, then no one would endeavor to accomplish the duty. Therefore, having looked at both the aspects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which is the best method that Semco Company can employ in motivating its employees?Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Radical leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is evident from the discussion above that intrinsic motivation is more effective than extrinsic motivation, especially when the 3000 workers are to be motivated in the long run. This is because in contrast to extrinsically motivated staff that mainly relies on negative or positive rewards, a staff that is intrinsically motivated will continue to accomplish tasks as long as they get fulfillment at the end of the day. However, this does not imply that Ricaedo Semler, the CEO of the company, should totally not employ extrinsic motivation, but this is not the ideal technique of achieving long term motivation of his staff. When a worker is extrinsically motivated, he or she will no longer be intrinsically motivated since if the rewards are not present he or she will be de-motivated due to overdependence on rewards. Sometimes the lack of motivation within the workforce is due to the presence of some unmet requirements (Skinner, 1953). Therefore, it is important for a leader to know the requirements that are more essential for every individual worker. In this regard, Abraham Maslow came up with a hierarchy of needs, which stipulate that within every person, there is a hierarchy of five needs, and that every category of need must be fulfilled before a person is able to pursue the next higher category of need (Maslow, 1943). The five levels of needs according to Maslow include: â€Å"psychological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization† (Lauby, 2005, p.1). According to this theory, the most essential needs must be satisfied first. Maslow proposed that as people progress through the levels of needs, the previous requirements fail to realize their motivational value and that since the bahaviour of people is determined by their needs, only unmet needs affect their behavior, while fulfilled needs do not. To say, the lowest level of unfulfilled requirements is what determines the behavior of a person. If this theory is true, then it has some essential implications for leaders of organizations. This is because it offers the opportunity to encourage the workforce by ado pting some appropriate management styles. These may include, but not limited to, job design, holding interesting company events, and attractive compensation packages. Some examples of these motivating factors are as follows.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The psychological needs of the workforce can be met through offering adequate time for lunch breaks, rest breaks, and salary that is enough to buy the important things in life. Safety needs can be met by offering a secure working environment, incentives upon retiring, and job security, and social needs can be met by developing a sense of community through team-based projects and social gatherings. Moreover, esteem needs can be met by recognizing the accomplishments of the workers and giving them job titles that illustrate the significance of the position they hold in the company, and self actualization needs can be met by providing a challenging work environment that enable the workers to attain their full career potential. To enable the continued survival of the Semco Company by having a motivated workforce, it should recognize the different needs that drive its employees. This is because not all individuals are driven by the similar needs. That is why it is vital for the companyâ €™s management to know the different needs of its workers. How can Semler understand the needs of his employees if he does not even have an office at the company’s headquarters? In addition, at one of the company’s plants outside Sao Paulo, there are no supervisors to study the behaviour of the employees in order to understand their needs and convey to the company’s top management what they require. For a worker to feel motivated, the company has to understand the needs level whereby he or she is operating. Therefore, proximity to the workers is essential. In conclusion, motivation, as the driving force within employees that make them to accomplish various duties, is an important asset for the success of any organization. Semco Company can avoid the potential problem of having a less motivated workforce by creating a good working environment that ensures that the employees are encouraged to perform their duties. This can be achieved by developing ways of int rinsically motivating the workers as well as explaining to them the long-term benefits of intrinsic motivation. Moreover, the company should also motivate its workers by giving them challenging assignments, responsibilities, and recognizing the best performers within the workforce. Eventually, this will enable it to realize the long-term success that is desired in any organization. In addition, the company should be ready to meet the needs of the workforce so as to motivate them. Since these needs can be used as levers of motivation, the management at Semco should be as close to their employees as possible. References Banduras, A., 1997. Self-efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change.  Psychological Review, 84 (2), pp. 191-215. Kleinbeck, U. Forschungsgemeinschaft, D., 1990. Work motivation. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lauby, S. J., 2005. Motivating employees. Alexandria, Va: ASTD Press. Lepper, M. R., Greene, D. Nisbett, R. E., 1973. Undermining child rens intrinsic interest with extrinsic rewards: A test of the over justification hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28(1), pp. 129-137. Maslow, A. F., 1943. A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), pp. 370-396. Skinner, B.F., 1953. Science and Human Behavior. New York: Macmillan. Staw, B. M., 1976. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Morristown, N.J.: General Learning Center.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Likable and Dependable

Likable and Dependable Are these two tools part of your branding? Arent sure? Then theyre probably not. But why are these two traits so important when youre selling your words and not a public performance? Jane Friedman and Porter Anderson recently established a newsletter on the publishing industry titled THE HOT SHEET ( I was a Beta reader as they worked out the kinks. Its intensely smart, as would be expected from these two industry brains, but in a recent issue they addressed this issue of what readers expect in an author: The scientific finding from Nielsen: Authors, in general, are among the publics fave people in the entertainment world. Only TV and film actors score more highly with fans, which means that authors are rolling in ahead of sports figures and musical artists. Whats more, fans of authors like their authors more than fans of other types of people like their icons - even athletes are not as highly thought of Most of the authors I know fall into one of two categories: 1) They write a lot and promote when they have a new release or an upcoming event; or 2) They promote one book a lot and are slow in putting out new releases. That makes both inconsistent and less reliable, and according to that Nielsen report cited in THE HOT SHEET, makes those writers give the appearance of being less successful, influential, and dependable. So what does that mean for you . . . the burgeoning, struggling writer? It means you write and market each and every day. You appear to always be on the move, always producing, always available to the reader. Its hard, but doing otherwise these days when the competition is steep and the books cheap, will leave you in a lot of writers dust where readers wont be able to find you.

Monday, November 4, 2019

This article, titled On Being an Atheist, was written by H. J Essay

This article, titled On Being an Atheist, was written by H. J. McCloskey - Essay Example While any person pursues earnest efforts for the purposes of ensuring pursuit of law of Karma that only with limited faith in God entails good results. The case for presentation of arguments is based on comments that would amplify the light of approach on various aspects of building up points to ponder. It is also applicable whether or not it is essential that the following of God should be pursued and to what to extent. Sometimes in too much pursuit of God an impediment is caused for not establishing belief and being practical for getting the desired results. The time should be balanced between prayer and actual achievement of results by putting in the desired level of efforts in accomplishment of work. (McCloskey, 1968) The cosmological arguments as the name stands amplifies equivalent to the philosophy for building up an argument that would derive the existence of a world order. This accentuates spelling out an argument for an illustrious connotation. This exemplifies honorable virtues for bringing about a grand finale to the ensemble that is replete with abundance of pursuits. The awakening that would mastermind myriads of aspects that opens up vistas for sharp acumen for not withdrawing relentless pursuits. The endeavor is on the threshold of a balanced approach in philosophy as well as achievement oriented magnificence of an approach that is commendable. The author McCloskey (1964) is created with an emphasis on various aspects for creating an ambience that would exonerate the various awakenings in the process of healthy achievement that would ensure happiness. The capability would accentuate an approach that is thorough with a knowledge enriched with myriads of ideas invoking knowledge explosi on in the right perspective and direction. It should be ensured that an attraction bereft of minute analysis invoking knowledge that would exemplify the performance for ensuring a positive thrust emboldening wisdom. A balance of mind and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Information System - Essay Example competes with a host of other financial institutions such as banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies among others hence there is stiff competition. As a way of attempting to position itself better in the market, the company sought to outsource its IT infrastructure to IBM, a computing giant as a result of different reasons. First and foremost, this is an attempt to add value to their company among employees, clients and shareholders by improving efficiency as well as reducing costs while at the same time improving quality. Given that IBM is a renowned computing giant, JP Morgan thought it would be a wise decision to incorporate this company as a way of trying to portray its image in a better position. In this case outsourcing would add value in that IBM is a well established computing giant often treated with great esteem by various stakeholders such that its incorporation by JP Morgan would attract a positive response from different stakeholders. By virtue of running several business entities, JP Morgan thought that by scaling its IT expenditures, it would reduce its actual needs of paying full costs that would be based on projections made earlier. Therefore, it can be noted that JP Morgan sought to reduce costs on its part by centralizing the IT business to one big, reputable company which is IBM computers. In actual fact, JP Morgan simply wants to take a precautionary measure in the face of competition against other major financial giants such that it thought outsourcing would help spruce its image as well as help reducing expenditure by centralizing its IT issues to one computing giant. The main problem raised here is that of the overuse of traditional means of processing information during the contemporary time of digital age where new information and technology is reigning supreme. The result of the use of old means of processing information is failure to access information readily when it is needed to combat an otherwise imminent disaster. FBI in this